This is the cover that is identical to the dashboard to any Bentley Nappa (Smooth) grain finish. Bentley's most uses two dashboard materials are the Black (Schwarz) and Saddle (Beige) Nappa grain finishes of which we carry both colors. We carry this in the older EZ-Pass, pre 2012 square style transponder as well as the newer I-Pass, post 2012 round shaped transponder.
These cases are for the following states: CA (only Northern CA), DE, IL, IN, KY, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, RI, VA, WV.
Our cases attach to the FasTrak, EZ-Pass and I-Pass using two straps the hook and loop Velcro ends. As you can see from the second picture, the straps do not interfere with the transponders other Velcro strips that allow the transponder to attach to the windshield. They are designed not to interfere with the signal to the reader above the toll road. They also resist fading in direct sunlight.